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This paper reviews evidence from clinical, epidemiologic, and family studies regarding the association between social phobia and other syndromes. Social phobia is strongly associated with other anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and affective disorders in both clinical and community samples. An average of 80% of social phobics identified in community samples meet diagnostic criteria for another lifetime condition. Social phobia is most strongly associated with other subtypes of anxiety disorders, with an average of 50% of social phobics in the community reporting a concomitant anxiety disorder including another phobic disorder, generalized anciety, or panic disorder. Approximately 20% of subjects in the community meet lifetime criteria for a major depressive disorder. The onset of social phobia generally precedes that of all other disorders, with the exception of simple phobia. Both clinical severity and treated prevalence are consistently greater among social phobics with comorbid disorders The results of family and twin studies reveal that shared etiologic factors explain a substantial proportion of the comorbidity between social phobia and depression, whereas the association between social phobia and alcoholism derives from a nonfamilial causal relationship between the two conditions. Clinical and phenomenologic implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
D-Cycloserine (DCS) has been reported to affect the central nervous system in man. To investigate whether the compound produces specific behavioural effects, DCS was administered to male mice in a resident-intruder situation and the behaviour of the interacting mice assessed using ethological analysis. Resident mice given DCS (32.0–320.0 mg/kg PO, 60 min before testing) showed dose-dependent increases in social investigation, smaller increases in sexual behaviour and decreased aggressiveness. Defensive and flight behaviour were not affected. Intruder mice showed slight increases in sexual behaviour that were not dose-dependent, and small increases in social investigation. The increases in social investigation induced by DCS (320.0 mg/kg) in resident mice were not reversible with R-HA 966 (32.0 mg/kg IP, 30 min before testing), a blocker of the strychnine-insensitive glycine modulatory site associated with theN-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, but were blocked by the GABA antagonist bicuculline (0.56 mg/kg IP, 5 min before testing). The small DCS-induced increase in sexual behaviour in residents was reversed by R-HA 966. Within the parameters of the resident-intruder situation, DCS exerts socio-sexual behaviour-enhancing effects which are dependent upon the role of the interactant, and which are mediated by an action upon multiple substrates. DCS may be regarded as another example of a sociotropic (approach-promoting) agent.Some of these results have been presented at the 1st International Congress on Hormones, Brain and Neuropsychopharmacology, Rodos, Greece, September 12–17, 1993  相似文献   
We have developed two protocols for inducing sustained, high-dose, alcohol-reinforced, oral alcohol drinking among some members of Macaca nemestrina social groups. Both protocols initially co-present alcohol and the entire daily food supply in a 2-h daily drinking session, with a later return to continuous availability of food. One protocol presents unflavored aqueous alcohol to partially food-deprived subjects; the other compares the drinking of flavored alcohol solutions with the drinking of equally palatable isocaloric non-alcohol solutions when monkeys are not deprived of food. Daily high-dose drinking developed in both protocols, with biomedical changes similar to those of early human alcoholism. Daily drinking to blood alcohol concentrations above 100 mg/dl was sustained in some animals after return to baseline food conditions, and this may have been related to social rank within the groups. Alcohol reinforced drinking of the flavored solutions. Although food deprivation initially produced heavier drinking, drinking with the two protocols was equivalent after return to baseline feeding conditions. These procedures open new opportunities for examining combined social and genetic influences on alcoholic-like drinking.  相似文献   
传染病流行的社会因素及社会控制策略刍议   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
传染病与社会文化因素的关系密切。应重视社会因素对传染病的发生发展影响,从社会根源上探究其发病原理,包括经济因素、科学技术、文化、人口、卫生服务和其它社会因素。人类要有与传染病长期斗争的思想准备,并制定包括大卫生观和技术合作等相应的社会策略。  相似文献   
The aim of the inquiry was to examine the social network–mortality association within a wider multivariate context that accounts for the effects of background framing forces and psychobiological pathways. The inquiry was based upon the Berkman et al. (2000) conceptual model of the determinants of health. Its main purpose was to identify the salient network correlates of 7-year all cause mortality among Jewish men and women, aged 70 and over, in Israel (n = 1,811). The investigation utilized baseline data from a national household survey of older adults from 1997 that was linked to records from the National Death Registry, updated through 2004. At the time of the study, 38% of the sample had died. Multivariate Cox hazard regressions identified two main network-related components as predictors of survival: contact with friends, a social network interaction variable, and attendance at a synagogue, a social engagement variable. Friendship ties are seen to uniquely reduce mortality risk because they are based on choice in nature, and reflect a sense of personal control. Synagogue attendance is seen to promote survival mainly through its function as a source of communal attachment and, perhaps, as a reflection of spirituality as well. Other possibly network-related correlates of mortality were also noted in the current analysis—the receipt of instrumental support and the state of childlessness. The study on which this article is based was made possible by grants from the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology to the Israel Gerontological Data Center.  相似文献   
社会支持对考试应激的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解社会支持对考试应激的影响。方法采用焦虑自评量表和社会支持量表分别对727个学生考试前1个月、考试期间考试焦虑分数及社会支持情况进行调查,比较分析考试焦虑分数与社会支持因素的关系。结果考试焦虑分数与客观支持、来自同学和老师的主观支持以及社会支持的利用度成反比。结论家长和学校给予学生足够的社会支持,以及让学生参加适当的社会活动,培养他们利用社会支持的能力,有助于让学生减缓考试应激的水平  相似文献   
This study examined the contribution of the quality of life (QoL) domains physical, social and psychological functioning to the explanation of overall QoL. Various disorders may differentially affect QoL domains due to disease-specific factors and, consequently, the relationship between QoL domains and overall QoL may vary between diseases. We therefore studied this relationship for several diseases as well as the differential impact of these diseases on QoL. The present study had a cross-sectional design. We selected patients (aged 57 years and older) with one of the following eight chronic medical conditions: lung disorder, heart condition, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, back problems, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, or dermatological disorders. The total group of respondents included 1457 patients and 1851 healthy subjects. Regression analyses showed that the domain of psychological functioning contributed to overall QoL for all disorders, whereas physical and social functioning contributed to overall QoL for some disorders. Differences were found between most patient groups and healthy subjects with respect to physical functioning; with respect to social and psychological functioning some groups differed from the healthy group. Explanations for the findings and implications for clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   
目的:研究参加社会活动和锻炼对新兴工业化农村社区冠心病患者并发抑郁的影响。方法:对114例在我院就医、属三角镇户籍常住人口的冠心病(CHD)患者进行Zung量表(SDS量表)检测,同时调查其经济状况、健康习惯、参加社会活动和锻炼情况等。用SPSS13.0版统计软件进行统计分析。结果:抑郁发生率37.7%,女性44.3%(27/61)高于男性30.2%(16/53)。70岁以上者47.6%(30/63)高于70岁以下者25.5%(13/51)。缺少社会活动(几乎不参加社会活动)、缺少锻炼(几乎不锻炼身体)都抑郁发生率高,可能是冠心病并发抑郁的独立预测因素。结论:适度参加社会活动和锻炼对CHD患者并发抑郁可能有预防作用。  相似文献   
医院治理结构改革与医院管理职业化   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
通过对当前两种医院治理结构的六个要素比较,认为这两种改革模式的主要问题在于不能很好地解决委托人(或董事会)人员来源和委托人的所有权约束和激励以及代理人的约束和激励等两个问题。并据此提出政策建议,认为解决委托人与经营者的约束和激励问题是医院治理中非常关键的一环,国资委应在医院经营中培育一个专业化、职业化的委托人和代理人阶层。  相似文献   
对107例甲状腺机能亢进症患者和91名正常人采用艾森克个性问卷及自编社会环境的调查显示:46.94%的患者起病前有负性生活事件发生,个性特征甲亢组神经不稳定型及掩饰性评分显著高于正常组,有显著性差异,此结果提示甲亢患者存在明显个性缺陷和负性生活事件,这些因素可作为甲亢发病的一种诱因。  相似文献   
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